The SWIFT number ACEMFRP1 was issued by ACE MANAGEMENT in PARIS.

Bank CityPARIS
Bank Branch

What is a BIC code?

A SWIFT code - or SWIFT number is a standard format to uniquely identify banks and financial institutions across the world. The SWIFT code is a standard format for BIC - Business Identifier Codes.

If you send money across international lines you nearly always need to use a BIC code, as it’s the way banks and money transfer services identify where to send money on a global scale. You can think of a SWIFT code a bit like an international postal code. Your bank can use the SWIFT code to find another bank on the other side of the world. Similar to how sending a postcard to an incorrect ZIP code means it may get lost or returned, the same thing can apply for your money and the wrong SWIFT code.

What does a SWIFT look like?

A SWIFT/BIC code is either 8 or 11 characters in length:


  • AAAA: 4 character bank code.Just letters, no numbers.
  • BB: 2 character country code. ISO alpha-2 country code.
  • CC: 2 character location code.
  • DDD: 3 character branch code. Optional. Can include letters or digits. An XXX here would refer to the primary office.

More info about SWIFT/BIC codes

There are 2 types of SWIFT code: live and passive. Live codes are for banks who are connected to the SWIFT network while passive Codes are used for manual transactions. Passive SWIFT codes will have a 1 as the second digit of the 2 character location code.

SWIFT code registrations and management are the responsibility of "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication" (“SWIFT”) which is located in La Hulpe, Belgium.

SWIFT is the registered trademark of S.W.I.F.T. SCRL with a registered address at Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium.