75902049 US Routing Number
The routing number 75902049 is out of date. The new routing number for WISCONSIN COMMUNITY BANK, Main office in DUBUQUE, Iowa (IA) is 75907594.
The routing number 75902049 was issued by WISCONSIN COMMUNITY BANK in DUBUQUE, Iowa (IA).
Routing Number | 75902049 |
New Routing Number | 75907594 | Bank Name | WISCONSIN COMMUNITY BANK |
Office Code | Main office |
Servicing FRB Number | 71000301 |
Record Type Code | 2 This code indicates the ABA number to be used to route ACH items to the RFI.
Street Address | 1398 CENTRAL AVE |
City | DUBUQUE |
State | Iowa (IA) |
Zip Code | 52001-0000 |
Telephone | 563-584-2563 |
Change Date | 41232
This is the date of the last change to CRF information |
Institution Status Code | 1
This code is based on the customers receiver code