265474840 US Routing Number

The routing number 265474840 was issued by S E L H FCU in MANDEVILLE, Louisiana (LA).

Routing Number265474840
Bank NameS E L H FCU
Office CodeMain office
Servicing FRB Number61000146
Record Type Code1

This code indicates the ABA number to be used to route ACH items to the RFI.

  • 0 - This institution is a Federal Reserve Bank
  • 1 - Send items to customer routing number
  • 2 - Send items using the new routing number
Street AddressPO BOX 8709
StateLouisiana (LA)
Zip Code70470-8709
Change Date41773

This is the date of the last change to CRF information
Institution Status Code1

This code is based on the customers receiver code

  • 1 - Receives Gov/Comm
List of US routing numbers for S E L H FCU